Thursday, October 15, 2009

list of things that i dont like - about my new life as a single mom

1. nobody to ask me how my day was.
2. nobody to strach the itch I can't reach, or crack my back
3. all the household chores are mine and mine alone
4. if I need 10 minutes to myself, I have no one to watch the kids
5. no more "you cook, I will clean" I get to do both
6. no one to snuggle with when it's cold outside
7. no converstations about current events or our favorite shows
8. no one to fight over the remote with
9. no one to help me look for my phone when I misplaced it
10. family dinners seem strange with just me and the kids
11. even though it's 2009 - there is still a sense of shame
12. not sure what to do about my last name
13. 'the first time I heard the 2yr old say "mommy's house" ' was horrible
14. not looking forward to the holidays.... halloween, thanksgiving, christmas, new years.
15. not working together towards something
16. men are afraid of me
17. I'm afraid of men
18. I'm tired of pretending that everything is okay
19. It's exhausting to live up to the "strength" that people think I have
20. I dont feel like I belong anywhere