Saturday, July 18, 2009

my new list..... =) cuz it's been awhile.

antagonistic: acting in opposing mutually hostile and unfriendly

nonverbal communication: messages expressed by other than linguistic means.

psuedo listeining: an imitation of true listening in wich the receivers mind it elsewhere

empathy: the ability to project oneself into another persons point of view, so as to eperience the others thoughts and feelings

selective listiening: a listening style in which the receiver responds responds only to messages
that interest him or her

emotive language: language that conveys the senders attitude rather than simply offers on objective description

ambushing: a style in whichin which the reciever listens carefully in order to gather information to use in an attack on the speaker

ampathy: a defense mechanism in which a person avoids admitting emotional pain by pretending
not to care about an event

trust: assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something

interdependence: however antagonisticthey might feel, the parties in conflict are usually dependent on each other. the welfare and satisfaction of one depend on the actions of another.

controlling communication: messages in which the sender tries to impose some sort of outcome on the receiver, usually resulting in a defensice reaction.

controlling communication: messages in which the sender tries to impose some sort of outcome on the receiver, usually resulting in a defensice reaction.

negotiastion: a process in which wo or more parties discuss specific proposals in order to find a mutually acceptable agreement.

passive aggression: an indirect expression of aggression, delivered in a way that allows the sender to maintain a facade of kindness.

verbal abuse: a disconfirming response intended to cause psychological pain to another.

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