Thursday, June 3, 2010

what to do????

So..... I'm thinking of starting a new blog.
I'm not sure if I should do it anonymous or not.... and the reason it would not disclose my name, as it would include all the blunt, forward, filter less, gory details of my life and my existence.  It would be a no-holds barred type of blog or online journal. 

So people could read about the crazy... you wouldn't believe it if I told you, things that are happening to me - daily existence and life.   I guess it would also be a way for me to get things off my chest. I guess it wouldn't really matter if people read it, or commented on it... as I would just be doing it for myself.  

So why not write in a paper journal?   Well, basically... in a nut shell I type 55 words a minute.
Which would result in me getting a paragraph busted out in a few minutes, rather than spending an hour or so writing things out in hand.  Which then.... could result in people getting a hold of "said diary" and reading it and
then judging and/or having their feelings hurt.....    or something to that effect.
Another reason, is that it would not be "tied and/or linked" to my photography business, my future career, my children...... my family and/or my friends.  Basically there would only be a select few people that would know that the said 'future-filter less blog' is written by me.

I guess another option would be for me to .....  adjust this blog, the blog of Crystal is seeking ORGANIZATION... aka CrystalunClear....    and re-adjust it from 'list making' to
this is my life...... but in a very VERY VERY filtered manner. 
So basically, I couldn't and wouldnt have any RAW VENTS,
or any RAW FACTS.....   I would have to continue on the "this is my happy fake life and how I'm attempting to deal with it or  not deal with it"   

Another plus to doing a 'annonomous blog...' is I could choose another 'host', rather than BLOG SPOT, and possibly even get some $$$ doing it.  I think that companies advertise on the blog/page and I could get paid some $$$, course then.... the said company would of course know my true identity.

So the 3rd or 4th possibility (i lost track, SEE that's why I make lists)  I could start my blog off of my friends web/blog site.   (my30's.something) ***funny as that is on my list too, to contact her and get that blog up and running***

Of course I really don't have the time for 3 blogs, not writing in all 3, I mean how would I keep it all straight. Besides, I barely have time to write in this one.  Course the main reason for that is....
if I have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all.  =)

SO my options are  (yes I'm making a list....)
1. keep this list blog - where it's PG, and not written in and rather boring
2. alter this list blog to a filtered version of my - crystal-unclear soon to be CRYSTAL CLEAR life....
4. go to my friends BLOG and contribute to her amazing idea.   =) 
4a. go to my friends blog and contribute to her amazing idea - but in the raw anonymous - filter less way - as in item #3.

So I'm guessing 2,3 or 4....  and MAYBE 4a

Any ideas to the people that even read this crap I write?


Crystal~Clear.  (p.s.   ~ I'm ready, where are you!)


  1. Well if you do decide to start an anon blog, I hope I can read it! :) Good luck venting and getting shit off your chest girl! :)

  2. Yes Naomi.. You can read it. any suggestions as to if I should do blogspot or wordpress?
