Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

I have no list today, basically just going to try and make it through the day.
I'd really like to go see a movie. But I doubt that will happen.
I have to finish a knitting project... and an not able to start the other one what
was also supose to be done by today. Oh well.

So Merry Christmas.

Monday, December 22, 2008

help me ~ help Ryder

Hi there...

I have a favor to ask of ya'll that are out there doing last minute Christmas shopping....
I need, we need.... RYDER needs his comfort/soothing item.

It's a book!?!?!

(hey, the parents don't choose the item that soothes the baby - the baby does)

In any case Ryder's soothing item is a night light book.
I bought this book for Donovan when he was about a year old...
Donovan could care less about the book ~ but Ryder has been fascinated by it from the
day he first opened it. Anyway - I found the book at target for about $10 - to replace the batteries it cost us about $20.00 But now the miniature light bulb is burned out....

I have looked at Target in Richmond...
Tomorrow I will try Target in Concord/Pleasant Hill and Walnut Creek if necessary.

So if you are doing your last minute shopping and are going to a book store or Target
can you please take a peek in the kids book section? I will pay $20 for the book.
and if you can get 2 - please do so.
Here is the link for the book so you can see what it looks like.
If you happen to get the book (keeping my fingers crossed)
Please reply to ALL of this email AND call me that you got it.

(if you are a mommy/daddy then you know how important a "self soothe" item is)

Thanks in advance...
and HAPPY Holiday's

***new family pic is attached***
and for added INCENTIVE ~ FREE portraits to whom ever finds the book in 3 days.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Monday's TO-DO list.
1. store
2. list for store
3. rearrange beds
4. clean
5. bank to deposit BIG Photography check =)
6. post office to mail last cards
7. try to see Lacey
8. Dr. D.
9. OH ~ i almost forgot.... get Madre from airport
10. homedepot to fix toilet
11. presents to brett

Thursday, December 18, 2008

love list

1. the quilt my s-mom made for me a couple years ago
2. my camera
3. my selphy printer
4. my slippers
5. ryder's eyes
6. donovan's n0se
7. meat cooked in a crock pot
8. ed hardy anything
9. my new skincare
10 not working 8-5

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

my WISH list (revised)

1. epson p-300 mulitmedia storage
2. blackberry storm
3. printer
4. case and ear plugs for my donated ipod (thanks JUJU)
5. Pure Digital Flip Video Camcorder in Orange
6. photoshop Elements 7.0
7. light kit
8. wireless remote for canon (got it)
9. gym shoes
10. gym clothes
11. new jeans
12. clothes
13. pedicure
14. windshield fixed
15. car detailed
16. bike
17. clean house
18. chocolate uggs
19. black high heel boots
20. itunes
21. vacation - alone with Hubby
22. vacation - with kids.

to do wednesday

  1. hem pants
  2. camera ready
  3. printer – paper, ink
  4. buy stool
  5. start getting all equipment together
  6. call Patti, Kristen
  7. wrap book gift for Donovan’s class
  8. karate 4:30
  9. jr college with Birth Cert
  10. study ‘poses’

Monday, December 15, 2008

list 3 (not kidding - I have lists of my lists)

List #3. Updated from 2+ hours ago.

1. go to post office (to mail xoxox to vegas ~ wish I could fit in boX)
2. finish glove #2 (it's cold, will need it for tomorrow)
3. finish other knitting project (due dec 19)
4. start other knitting project (due in dec 25)
5. upload pics to mpix (m.i.l. wanted 12-10)
6. order pic's 'for order your pics' project (due 12-10)
7. start wedding album for clients (due Jan 5th)
8. go to best buy - to prepare for shoot on saturday (then will add to list - to test products for shoot on saturday)
9. get outfit ready for shoot on saturday (which will probably include MORE items to list OR another list)
10. plan 'heads or tails' night (i lost 5 out of 7 on 'connect four')
11. christmas shop (NO- I have NOT started yet, I dont get paid till Saturday)
12. go to contra costa college to prove residency (so can pay $200 vs $900)
13. store for cookies (cuz forgot last batch was in oven - and they are now 'COAL' for stocking)
14. meeting with my 2 assistants - to go over job duties and equipment for sat shoot
15. find PERSONAL TIME - for gym, book, (CRAP, with brings me to #16 on list)
16. study "photography posing book" for shoot on saturday (OMG! can I cry yet?)
18. upload pics from karate promotion (yeah donovan - you are a green belt)
17. reorganize list - in order of importance.

hmmmmm - ya think I will make it to the gym this week?

you know, honestly...
this hole blog thing is a love hate relationship.
I love it because so far it's working (course that has helped since I no how to get into it now)
but it's not working - as apparently I'm wasting time 'blogging' about what I need to do instead of doing it. What can I say - I'm a list maker. I make list's of the list's I need to make. (yes, I'm sure that my punctuation of pluralizing both "list(s)" was incorrect. However, I will be in english soon - so i'm sure that my writing, puncuation, vocabulary, spelling, capitals, sentence structure and ORGANIZATION of a paragraph will improve tramendously. So, stay tuned ~ you won't want to miss it.
In closing (haha- that was good wasnt it?) =)
In closing, have a good evening as I am signing off to work on #2 of list #3. =)

XOXOXOXO (my new sign off in memory of Gma Ada)
Ciao (my sign off - to appear exotic, traveled, educated and worry-free)
  1. okay... my list has been revised..
  2. finish sorting 3,4,5 yr old clothes that Donovan grew out of
  3. get package ready to send to las vegas
  4. silpada order
  5. finish glove #2
  6. finish other knitting project
  7. upload pics to mpix
  8. start wedding album for clients
  9. go to best buy- to prepare for shoot on saturday
  10. get outfit ready for shoot on saturday
  11. go to store INSTEAD make cookies for kindergarten class
  12. Emailed client - call back potential wedding client ~ christen
  13. did register - but now have to GO THERE as they have me input as an internationalstudent and my tuition is $985 - get class schedule ready to register for college tomorrow
  14. plan 'heads or tails' night
  15. christmas shop

So all in all I guess my list is a little shorter but it still SUCKS.
I am hoping that things will slow down after the holidays -
HOWEVER I am on CRACK if I think that....
as I will then be a NEW FULL TIME STUDENT
I'm starting college at 35 years old.
I can't even organize my week to stay on top of the laundry.
So am I really fooling myself in thinking that I can add BioSC, English and Psych
on top of it?

well - whats the saying?
I'm going to give it the ole college try?

okay... enuf blogging for one night.
especially considering it took me a freaking hour to figure out how to get back
on the site. hmmmmmmmmm
Did I tell you that I figured out how to load songs on my iPod Shuffel that I've had for 2 years?
AND that I just started paying bills online.

YES I am technically challenged! but hey.... I bf'ed for 12 months straight - NO FORMULA!
so top my super power. =)

Okay.. off to my silpada order.
Then I'm going to finish the 'mommy gloves' - because its FREEZING HERE.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

seeking organization

Here I am.

Not really sure what to do with a blog. But it seems that every day I love GOOGLE more and more. So I will give the blog thing a shot. I guess if any thing ~ this blog will serve as my list maker, an online journal so to speak -

or a way for family and friends to see what's going on with me and my family.

Today is sunday, and I'm trying to figure out what to do that is inexpensive yet fun to keep my 2 boys busy.

However, here is my 1st to do list!

  1. Laundry: wash karate uniform

  2. clean livingroom~ vacuum

  3. post office (yes, I know it's sunday)

  4. finish sorting 3,4,5 yr old clothes that Donovan grew out of

  5. finish xmas craft project

  6. get package ready to send to las vegas

  7. join scentsy

  8. silpada order

  9. finish glove #2

  10. finish other knitting project

  11. upload pics to mpix

  12. start wedding album for clients

  13. go to best buy / circuit city - to prepare for shoot on saturday

  14. get outfit ready for shoot on saturday

  15. make cookies for kindergarten class

  16. call back potential wedding client ~ christen

  17. get class schedule ready to register for college tomorrow

  18. store: garbage bags, choc chips, diapers, dinner, snacks, fruit/veggies

  19. plan 'heads or tails' night

  20. christmas shop

that SUCKS.

and I have no idea where to even start.