Monday, December 22, 2008

help me ~ help Ryder

Hi there...

I have a favor to ask of ya'll that are out there doing last minute Christmas shopping....
I need, we need.... RYDER needs his comfort/soothing item.

It's a book!?!?!

(hey, the parents don't choose the item that soothes the baby - the baby does)

In any case Ryder's soothing item is a night light book.
I bought this book for Donovan when he was about a year old...
Donovan could care less about the book ~ but Ryder has been fascinated by it from the
day he first opened it. Anyway - I found the book at target for about $10 - to replace the batteries it cost us about $20.00 But now the miniature light bulb is burned out....

I have looked at Target in Richmond...
Tomorrow I will try Target in Concord/Pleasant Hill and Walnut Creek if necessary.

So if you are doing your last minute shopping and are going to a book store or Target
can you please take a peek in the kids book section? I will pay $20 for the book.
and if you can get 2 - please do so.
Here is the link for the book so you can see what it looks like.
If you happen to get the book (keeping my fingers crossed)
Please reply to ALL of this email AND call me that you got it.

(if you are a mommy/daddy then you know how important a "self soothe" item is)

Thanks in advance...
and HAPPY Holiday's

***new family pic is attached***
and for added INCENTIVE ~ FREE portraits to whom ever finds the book in 3 days.

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