Monday, December 15, 2008

  1. okay... my list has been revised..
  2. finish sorting 3,4,5 yr old clothes that Donovan grew out of
  3. get package ready to send to las vegas
  4. silpada order
  5. finish glove #2
  6. finish other knitting project
  7. upload pics to mpix
  8. start wedding album for clients
  9. go to best buy- to prepare for shoot on saturday
  10. get outfit ready for shoot on saturday
  11. go to store INSTEAD make cookies for kindergarten class
  12. Emailed client - call back potential wedding client ~ christen
  13. did register - but now have to GO THERE as they have me input as an internationalstudent and my tuition is $985 - get class schedule ready to register for college tomorrow
  14. plan 'heads or tails' night
  15. christmas shop

So all in all I guess my list is a little shorter but it still SUCKS.
I am hoping that things will slow down after the holidays -
HOWEVER I am on CRACK if I think that....
as I will then be a NEW FULL TIME STUDENT
I'm starting college at 35 years old.
I can't even organize my week to stay on top of the laundry.
So am I really fooling myself in thinking that I can add BioSC, English and Psych
on top of it?

well - whats the saying?
I'm going to give it the ole college try?

okay... enuf blogging for one night.
especially considering it took me a freaking hour to figure out how to get back
on the site. hmmmmmmmmm
Did I tell you that I figured out how to load songs on my iPod Shuffel that I've had for 2 years?
AND that I just started paying bills online.

YES I am technically challenged! but hey.... I bf'ed for 12 months straight - NO FORMULA!
so top my super power. =)

Okay.. off to my silpada order.
Then I'm going to finish the 'mommy gloves' - because its FREEZING HERE.

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