Monday, December 15, 2008

list 3 (not kidding - I have lists of my lists)

List #3. Updated from 2+ hours ago.

1. go to post office (to mail xoxox to vegas ~ wish I could fit in boX)
2. finish glove #2 (it's cold, will need it for tomorrow)
3. finish other knitting project (due dec 19)
4. start other knitting project (due in dec 25)
5. upload pics to mpix (m.i.l. wanted 12-10)
6. order pic's 'for order your pics' project (due 12-10)
7. start wedding album for clients (due Jan 5th)
8. go to best buy - to prepare for shoot on saturday (then will add to list - to test products for shoot on saturday)
9. get outfit ready for shoot on saturday (which will probably include MORE items to list OR another list)
10. plan 'heads or tails' night (i lost 5 out of 7 on 'connect four')
11. christmas shop (NO- I have NOT started yet, I dont get paid till Saturday)
12. go to contra costa college to prove residency (so can pay $200 vs $900)
13. store for cookies (cuz forgot last batch was in oven - and they are now 'COAL' for stocking)
14. meeting with my 2 assistants - to go over job duties and equipment for sat shoot
15. find PERSONAL TIME - for gym, book, (CRAP, with brings me to #16 on list)
16. study "photography posing book" for shoot on saturday (OMG! can I cry yet?)
18. upload pics from karate promotion (yeah donovan - you are a green belt)
17. reorganize list - in order of importance.

hmmmmm - ya think I will make it to the gym this week?

you know, honestly...
this hole blog thing is a love hate relationship.
I love it because so far it's working (course that has helped since I no how to get into it now)
but it's not working - as apparently I'm wasting time 'blogging' about what I need to do instead of doing it. What can I say - I'm a list maker. I make list's of the list's I need to make. (yes, I'm sure that my punctuation of pluralizing both "list(s)" was incorrect. However, I will be in english soon - so i'm sure that my writing, puncuation, vocabulary, spelling, capitals, sentence structure and ORGANIZATION of a paragraph will improve tramendously. So, stay tuned ~ you won't want to miss it.
In closing (haha- that was good wasnt it?) =)
In closing, have a good evening as I am signing off to work on #2 of list #3. =)

XOXOXOXO (my new sign off in memory of Gma Ada)
Ciao (my sign off - to appear exotic, traveled, educated and worry-free)

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